M.A.P.S. Fall 2015

M.A.P.S. Fall 2015

Thursday, November 3, 2016

MAPS invites all students interested in the health field to our 4th Annual M.A.P.S. MIXER on Saturday, November 5, 2016 from 1:00-4:00PM at Weber Grand Hall.
M.A.P.S. mission is to bring together students of minority groups and give presentations/talks that are idea-focused, and on a wide range of relevant subjects related to health field, to empower and inspire each other, foster learning, and provoke conversations that make us conscious future professionals. 
We have dedicated this event to our members and any students interested in the health field. We hope to provide this event as a networking opportunity but also to learn about other career choices and what that entails. We will have medical students from UM, FIU, Nova, Barry Podiatry, also we have Barry’s PA students, nursing and some dental students from local schools as well. We hope you take advantage of this amazing opportunity that only happens here at Barry once a year! Food and drinks will be provided.
Tickets are $7 for non-MAPS members, $ 5 for MAPS members (dues paid). $10 at door (day of event)
To register/pay: https://mapsmixer2016.eventbrite.com/

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Plane Crew Nearly Lets Passenger Die Because They Couldn't Believe A Black Woman Was A Doctor

Are you interested in a career in medicine? Do you need to enhance your GPA or improve your achievement test score?

Contact the Health Sciences Multicultural and Community Affairs Department at Creighton University (HS-MACA). Application are open. APPLY NOW! HS-MACA is working to build the multicultural workforce of tomorrow. Learn more about our Post-Baccalaureate Pre-Medical Program aimed at strengthening the academic abilities of disadvantaged students so that they can gain successful admittance into medical school. Please contact me to learn more about the possibilities.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

MAPS invites you to join us in the viewing of this thought provoking expose of Big Pharma, its marketing practices and their impact on the staggering level of addiction to prescription drugs

Monday, March 7, 2016

For International Women's Day we would like to recognize:

Rebecca Davis Lee Crumpler

In 1864, Rebecca Lee Crumpler became the first African American woman to receive an M.D. degree. Dr. Crumpler received her doctorate from New England Female Medical College. Dr. Crumpler practiced in Boston; she specialized in the poor, women, and children. Rebecca published a medical guide book in 1883 called Book of Medical Discourses, which provided advice for women's health care and their families. Dr. Rebecca Davis Lee Crumpler passed away in 1895. Later in 1989, two physicians, Dr. Saundra Maass-Robinson and Dr. Patricia Whitley, founded the Rebecca Lee Society, an organization that promotes and helps African American women physicians.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Black History Month

In observance of Black History Month, we recognize Dr. Daniel Hale Williams (1856-1931).
Dr. Williams performed the first successful open heart surgery in 1893 and founded Provident Hospital and Training School for Nurses (the first black-owned hospital in America) in 1891. From 1893-1898, he was Surgeon-in-Chief of Freedmen's Hospital, Washington, DC. He also founded the National Medical Association in 1895 (Negroes were denied membership in the American Medical Association). As a charter member of the American College of Surgeons in 1913, he was the first and only Negro member for many years.

Chinese New Years

M.A.P.S. members discuss in celebration of Chinese New Years the practices and beliefs of eastern medicine.

Barry University School of Podiatric Medicine

M.A.P.S. members enjoyed an educational presentation by Dr. Singh and 1st year medical student Edgar Sy from the Barry University School of Podiatric Medicine.

Larkin Health College of Pharmacy

During our first general body meeting M.A.P.S. members enjoyed a presentation from Larkin Health College of Pharmacy about their program.

MLK Day of Sevice

M.A.P.S. members participate in MLK Day of Service by cleaning and gardening with the neighbors of La Paloma in their community gardens.